Our New Haven Chinese American History pilot program wouldn’t be possible without our amazing volunteer teachers from Yale University! In May 2019, they received much- deserved recognition from the Yale Asian American Cultural Center (AACC) for their work on the pilot program.
The Yale Immigrant History Project, led by co- presidents Rita Wang and Alex Wang, are the recipients of the inaugural AACC Exemplary Social Justice Contribution award. Thank you for your commitment and your diligence! The Yale Chinese American History Initiative team will continue strong in the coming year, helmed by rising junior Stella Xu.
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Immigrant History Initiative Co-Founders Julia Wang and Kathy Lu were presented with the Outstanding Service Award for our pilot Chinese American History program at New Haven’s Southern Connecticut Chinese School!
Spanning four terms and reaching over forty students, the IHI pilot course has contributed something both novel and deeply needed to the traditional Chinese school class roster. Our students engage in a variety of topics from the personal to the political, conducting oral history projects with their families while learning important stories behind the transcontinental railroad, Chinese exclusion, and pan-ethnic community building. |
Read about the latest updates on the Immigrant History Initiative's projects.
July 2021