Activity 3: Sketching Storyboards
Activity Instructions:
Step 1 (10 min) Present the section of slides for Activity 3 (slides 24-35). Watch the video, "The Untold Story of America's Southern Chinese." Review vocabulary. Step 2 (5 min) Facilitate a classroom discussion on the following questions:
Step 3 (15 min) After reflecting on the video, prompt students to imagine what life after River Road might have been like for the Chinese characters in Sugar. Some may have stayed in the Mississippi Delta to continue working on plantations or open up grocery stores. Others may have left to find new opportunities elsewhere. Instruct students to select one of the following characters for their storyboard sketch: Beau, Master Liu, or Mister Zheng. Have students do an independent free-write imagining what they think happens to their selected character after the book ends, using the following guiding questions:
Step 4 (5 min) Distribute the worksheet for Activity 3. Introduce the definition of storyboard. Prompt students to imagine that they are writing a story about their selected character. Using the free-write they brainstormed, instruct students to chronologically fill in the blank storyboard with what happens to their selected character after the book ends. Extension Activity (Grades 6-7): Step 5 (7 min) Students will expand the storyboard activity into writing their own historical fiction stories. Introduce the definition of historical fiction. Watch the video, "Award winning children's book author Jewell Parker Rhodes discusses historical fiction." Step 6 (50-100 min) Students will spend 1-2 class periods conducting research on the historical background of Chinese immigrants in the American South. Using the author's tips from the video, students will write historical fiction stories about their selected character. This assignment can be completed either in class or as homework. Resources for students: Vocabulary List:
Credit: buying items before paying, with the promise of paying it back later Chinese Exclusion Act (1882): law that banned Chinese immigrants from the U.S. Foreigner: someone from another country; stranger, outsider Storyboard: a series of panels with drawings to plan out what happens in a story Historical Fiction: a type of writing where the story is made-up, but is based on real events that took place in history |